Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Remaking the Extraordinay

Click image to enlarge.

I don’t like re-made movies anymore than I like rebuilt electronics. Neither ever seems to make the grade.

When I read some time ago that Martin Scorsese was re-making Infernal Affairs, calling it The Departed, I just shook my head. It seems that there’s an inability on the part of American film-makers to admit there are some things other countries do well, in fact they do them better in a lot of cases.

An American mob movie can’t hold a candle to a Chinese movie about Triad activities. America lacks subtlety and class in too many ways, and no one has more class than Francis Ng as the Triad boss of Infernal Affairs ll.

Who could be more soul wrenching than the beleaguered Chan Wing Yan (Tony Leung)

or more vastly entertaining than the powerful Hon Sam (Eric Tsang)? The driven, intelligent, and in some cases empathetic SP Wong Chi Shing (Anthony Wong) is irreplaceable. Who could do it better?

Andy Lau (Inspector Lau Kin Ming)

has a dim view of The Departed. The title alone conveys nothing. A hamburger eaten and digested is departed. The title, Infernal Affairs however, speaks long and hard of degrees of Hell.

I was happy to note Andy Lau was a bright star at Pusan. He works very hard, and as a most a talented individual, he certainly deserved all the recognition given him. While there, he was asked his opinion of the remake. It wasn’t flattering.

This link will take you to a site I recently found called Asianbite.

You can read Andy Lau’s comments there.

It is hoped there will not be a remake of Infernal Affairs ll. The idea of trying to cast a replacement for Francis Ng turns my heart to ice.

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